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Top Signs Your Prospective Manager/department is not Right for You


concerned-job-candidate-during-interviewWhen applying for academic jobs, education jobs, or any other types of jobs you must first go through an interview process. This is a process that is important for both the employer and the prospective employee. A great deal of information can be obtained by both parties during an interview.

When an employer decides to post a job, they have preset requirements for that position and only want the best person to fill the position. Thus interviews with potential employees are crucial.  . From the applicant’s perspective, meeting with a representative from the company allows the opportunity to learn more about the company by what the representative says and by answers that are given to various questions.

As a job seeker, there are a number of reasons as to why you are searching for a new job; you could be new to the workforce, you could be relocating or perhaps you have recently completed a higher education level and now want to “move up the ladder”. There may be a particular college, school,  institution or business that interests you and you feel your skills could benefit their goals. You will be putting in a lot of effort and time to prepare your application  to these prospective employers that you may only know remotely and an interview allows you an opportunity to show them what you have to offer and learn more about them.

It is said that first impressions are very important. This is true to a certain extent and this is why questions need to be asked to learn more about the potential employer/employee. When you arrive at the location where the interview is to be held, what is your first impression? Keep an open mind throughout the entire process; what you see and hear will help you to make rational decisions later.

Upon meeting the interviewer, what are your first impressions? Where they nice to you and did they seem interested in you as much as you are in them? Remember, you are there to learn about them as much as they need to learn about you. Keeping this in mind will guide you in making the decision if they would be someone you want to work for.

The following are some more clues to consider:

  • Long-drawn-out interview – The meeting seems to drag and you are not learning much about the company or about the open position. There are many questions and some are similar to what have already been asked. It could be that they are not prepared, not interested in you or trying to determine if you are paying attention and how you answer similar questions.
  • Shortish interview – If the meeting lasted for ten or fifteen minutes, there was not sufficient time to determine if you were the best applicant or not. In addition, short interviews do not allow you the opportunity to learn about the employer. If an employer is not willing to do due diligence to find out if you are the best candidate for their job, why would you expect them to provide  a great you a great work environment and career?
  • Reasons for posting the job: This is your time to ask questions. Inquire why they had to post a job and read between the lines of their answer. Is a new project beginning or is there a high turnover rate? Will the person you’re interviewing with make the final decision or does someone else? If so, will you need to meet with them as well?
  • Badmouthing staff: Actively listen to the interviewer. What is their tone of voice? Are they talking directly to you and are they doing something else during the interview? Do they criticize their staff, others and the institution or do they promote the company and the staff?
  • Making changes to job offer after you accepted it: If  you are offered the position and you accepted it, are they trying to make changes  about the agreed terms afterwards? Consider what is being changed and ask why.


All types of jobs, such as academic jobs or education jobs, require competent staff. If the management is not competent, then it is possible that the company will not be successful and you will not be able to use your skills wisely. If the manager is not happy, be prepared for you not to be happy. Use your common sense and best judgment and you will be able to find and obtain the best job for you.


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