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Stay Motivated in Your Job Search

Group of job candidatesAnyone who has ever looked for a job knows how challenging and time consuming it can be.

Especially in today’s world, where so much of the search is conducted over the internet and through social media and the average time to find employment has risen to 8 months.

You may start out with all the enthusiasm in the world, however after not hearing back from companies you’ve made applications to or getting rejected for an opportunity you really want, it can start to eat away at your motivation and your confidence. But only if you let it.

Once you start to lose focus and momentum, your chances of securing the opportunities you want naturally decrease because you begin to put less energy into the search.

That’s why developing a strategy to keep yourself going, over what could be a lengthy quest is essential.

Here are 9 tips that will help you stay positive and motivated throughout your search.

Stay focused:

Determine exactly what jobs you want. Research the companies that hire in your area of expertise, and target them in your search. This will help you to feel a sense of purpose as opposed to scattering your attention on whatever advertisement looks interesting. And remember; don’t just send off generic resumes to a lot of companies. That is called the shotgun approach, and your chances of getting a response to this type of inquiry are slim to none. This tactic will only make you feel like you’re failing.

Set weekly goals:

Have a reasonable set of weekly goals. And treat meeting your goals like a job.  This will give you a roadmap for the week if your attention starts to wander.

Keep track of all your contacts and applications:

Organize your applications and all versions of your resume and cover letter. That way if you are contacted you have the material close at hand. Not only that, but as you look back it will be motivating to see what you’ve accomplished!

Update your social media presence:

Some companies are allowing candidates to apply through Linkedin so make sure your profile is ready to go and showcases your skills and abilities.

Make good use of your social media network:

Many jobs are never even advertised. They are filled through word of mouth.  So let everyone in your social media circle know you are looking. It will broaden your network exponentially.

Take every opportunity you can to connect with people in your industry:

Everyone wants to put a face to a name and are much more likely to remember you if you present a positive impression.

Integrate exercise into your daily routine:

Make sure you are taking adequate breaks and getting out of the house.  Move your body. Finding a job is not a marathon and taking this approach will only wear you out before you reach your goal.

Reward yourself:

Acknowledge your accomplishments along the way. For example, when you do get an interview, it takes you one step closer to your goal. So celebrate your success. Even if the interview doesn’t lead to a job, it is excellent practice and will make you even more prepared for the next interview.

Seek encouragement from those around you who can give you positive feedback and support.

Keep looking:

If you can stay focused and view the process as a learning experience you will find success!


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