Education Job in Canada: How to Make a Difference
- Tuesday November 1st, 2016
- 6,746
Education is one of the biggest advantages of the human race since time immemorial; it has proved to be crucial towards the development of individuals, nations and the world. Thus, the value of education and the education sector cannot overemphasize. This is the reason many nations are allocating special budgets for the training of professionals in education sector so that they can help nurture young minds which would in return benefit the future of the nation’s development. Canada being one of these nations realizes the importance of these education drivers and has taken special measures to ensure that the best of guidance is provided to its students and facilities to the teaching institutions.
Education jobs in Canada
The Canadian government imposed stern restrictions on the Education Act, 1980 because of the overwhelming increase of people with no teaching or tutoring license and to ensure that only qualified and certified teachers are employed by the various institute of learning across the country. This also paved the way for many unemployed educated and qualified professionals to be hired as full-time teachers and professors. However, according to independent surveys and The HRDC (Human Resource Development Canada), the education sector is currently experiencing a tight market because of the licensing rules of. teachers that have to be certified and licensed by the College of Teachers of respective state, e.g. College of Teachers Ontario provides certification to teachers to teach in public and privately funded schools. The studies made independently also predict that Canada’s education sector will be booming with opportunities for learned individuals.
For immigrants or new individuals willing to take up a teaching job in Canada, it is important to get all your credentials verified from the credential assessment agencies such as-
World Education Services (WES) – Ontario International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) – Alberta The International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES) – British Columbia The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) The Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada
Immigrants can also check with the Foreign Credentials Referral Office for getting their credentials verified as well as other information on requirements. According to the post applied for, the individuals would have to make the appropriate documents ready for the proper verification.
Some of the most commonly sought after job in the Canadian education sector are as follows-
- University professors and assistants
- Post-secondary guidance as well as research assistants
- College instructors for vocational studies
- School teachers with the following related posts- a. Educational counsellors b. Elementary and Kindergarten school teachers c. Secondary School teachers
Making a Difference
Human lives depend on education for almost everything- from development to the food we eat. Without education, Canada would never be able to enhance the lives of its citizens. Young minds are springing with ideas and what they need is a structured institution that can help shape those ideas to fruition. Social evils, crimes, and other unlawful activities can be arrested; potential criminals can be made good law abiding citizens enabling them to work legally and prosper. With education, a huge difference can be made in an individual’s life- making him choose the right future path to walk on.
For greater impact, government policy statements are not enough. There is a dire need for change drivers to be alive to their responsibilities. The Teaching requires utmost dedication apart from the teacher’s vast knowledge repertoire and professionalism. In other words, the teacher needs to be true to his profession and provide the best possible training. For making a difference, you as a budding teacher should understand the need of educating individuals before popping into this noble profession.
The need for it
There is an utter need for individuals with the potential to realize and take up the responsibility in educating young minds. Making a difference in the education sector and making that difference count is easier requires a monumental effort, starting from realizing the duties as a mentor or guide for the students. It is with proper education and guidance that young minds can be nurtured and shaped for the development of the nation. Education – the need for it can’t be more emphasized than by citing the developments that we as humans have made in the past years, Arthur McDonald and Steinman contributed significantly to Physics and Medicine to an extent, they were honored with a Nobel Prize not just for the development in medical science and technology but for the quantum leap forward of the human race through education.
The lecturers and teachers in Canada are well compensated and respected. If you are self-driven to make a difference and ready to drive the future of thousands of Canadian youths, the education sector awaits you with countless opportunities.
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