Cost of Education vs. Miseducation
- Nov, 01st 2018
- 65,068
[:en] 1. Healthcare If authorities invest $1000 in good education, people will likely lead a Healthy Lifestyle as a result. Otherwise, as people are miseducated and likely to live an unhealthy lifestyle, that increases the cost of pr
Four Unusual Literacy Skills of The Future: Global, Multilingual, Multicultural & Multidisciplinary
- Mar, 02nd 2017
- 12,537
[:en]"What year are you preparing your students for? 1973? 1955?" This provocative question is the opening line in Mary Hayes Jacob' s 2010 book, Curriculum 21. As a forward thinking educator, you want to answer that question with a date so
Academic Job Search in Canada: Don’t Overlook Small Schools
- Jan, 11th 2017
- 7,919
[:en] If you are the type who prefers an intimate restaurant where the owner and the regulars greet you when you come in, a smaller college may be the perfect work place for you. Even those of you who are accustomed to larger instituti
How to Keep up with Advances in Your Field
- Dec, 11th 2016
- 6,698
[:en] Why Bother Like any field of study, yours keeps evolving: new discoveries are made: old theories slide into oblivion. As an educator who develops others in the field, it is critical that you regularly incorporate these changes into your
Stop blaming yourself: Hiring practices are inconsistent
- Dec, 04th 2016
- 12,450
[:en]Most job seekers blame themselves when they can't find a job. Repeated rejection leads them to go the distance to find new ways to get a job. They invest time and money in new skills, upgraded education, resume writing, even a professional pho
3 Lessons I Learned as Hiring Manager at a Canadian University
- Nov, 09th 2016
- 13,452
[:en]It is always useful to see things from the perspective of people we deal with. I have been working for several different universities in Canada for over 20 years and have hired for many academic positions. I have met job candidates of differen
Education Job in Canada: How to Make a Difference
- Nov, 01st 2016
- 6,745
[:en]Education is one of the biggest advantages of the human race since time immemorial; it has proved to be crucial towards the development of individuals, nations and the world. Thus, the value of education and the education sector cannot overempha
How to Turn Your Shyness into Your Advantage in the Workplace
- Apr, 13th 2016
- 11,786
Shyness has long been perceived as a negative trait for those who want to advance their careers, but you can definitely use it to your advantage! The secret is all about making people realize that your shyness is actually a strength. Think of it
3 Common Career Mistakes People Make
- Feb, 28th 2016
- 8,413
When you’re planning a career, it can feel awfully like carving a declaration into stone: painful and inescapable. This causes anxiety, stress, and a great deal of self doubt because for most people there is so much riding on our decision. From
Tips For First Day at a New Job
- Jan, 20th 2016
- 6,970
Starting a new job is an exciting adventure but can also be stressful because you are in a new place with unfamiliar people around you and you are expected to perform at your very best. It is important to start off on the right foot with your boss an
How To Find that Coveted Tenure Position?
- Dec, 15th 2015
- 7,022
When applying for a position, money is one of the most common driving factor. Job security is also a high consideration especially in the world of education. Professors and teachers at the university and college level are always striving to earn that
Canada Job Board
- Nov, 18th 2015
- 8,635
When you are looking for job one of the best things you can do is survey job boards in Canada. A job board is a place where employers can post job openings. Potential employees can log onto the job board and see what job openings are available. Howev